AltME Safeworlds - Secure Worldwide Collaboration

AltME Collaboration Example

How AltME is Used

Here's how one organization uses AltME -- to collaborate, coordinate, and communicate on a large software project.

This AltME world includes more than 50 collaborators from timezones around the world, but AltME's unique persistent private chat (private instant messaging) makes it easy. Every user can read their messages at whatever time is most convenient for them. AltME timestamps every chat message and displays it in local time.

User and Group Chat List

In this world, there are dozens of separate discussions going on and thousands of messages. Many chats discussions are public, others chats are private.

This panel helps keep them all organized. It shows dividers (the black boxes) being used to groups related discussions together. This is managed by the master users for this world.

When a new message is received, it's group name and divider text turn red to tell you there is something new. Just click on it to see the new messages.

At the bottom, notice you can set your status. This makes it easy to tell others if you have stepped away from your computer.

Other Instant Applications

AltME does a lot more than just private chat. Here you can see several other applications being used, including the checklist, calendar, and a special custom bug-tracker application.

There is no limit to the number of instant applications. Contact us if you want us to build you a special custom application.


This is a good example of a private AltME world. All chat is private. Messages and other communications are encrypted when sent over the Internet. In addition, the world is run entirely from their own computer system. It does not use AOL, Yahoo, MSN or other public servers.

Related Links:

What is Altme?

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