AltME AltME User Guide - Visiting a World
Updated: 8-Jan-2010

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You must be invited by a Worldmaster to visit a world, unless you are the Worldmaster of course. (see Worldmaster Powers). If you don't have the AltME software installed, you'll need to download and install it. Launch AltME to open the Start Window.


  • The installer will launch AltME after installation, or
  • You can launch AltME from the desktop.

Getting an Account

You probably heard about AltME from somebody you know. You will need a world name, username, and password to join their world. Here is how you can get them:

  • A Worldmaster can give them to you.
  • You can contact the Worldmaster yourself.
  • You can start your own world and be the Worldmaster.

Entering a World

1. If you don't see the visit screen above, go to the start screen by clicking startmenuicon.png

and then click buttonVisitAWorld.png

2. Enter the world name, username, and password in the boxes.

3. Click buttonvisit.png

The AltME Introduction window appears.


Changing Your Password

You will probably want to change your password before you do anything else. Once you've changed it, even the Worldmaster won't know what it is.

1. With the right mouse button, click your username on the list.


2. Type a new password and press the Enter key.


3. Type it again in the Password Confirm Window and hit Enter.


4. Click buttonsave.png

Your password has been changed.

Leaving a World

You won't lose any messages or miss any discussions if you leave the world. They will be waiting for you when you visit again.

1. To visit another world click startmenuicon.png

Now you can visit a different world or start a world of your own.

Exiting AltME

Just close the window. That's all there is to it.

Cannot Connect?

1. You may have typed the wrong world name, username, or password.

  • Check your typing and try again.
2. Your username may not have been created yet.

  • Check with the Worldmaster.
3. The world may not be running.

  • Check with the Worldmaster.
4. Your computer may not be connected to the Internet.

  • Make sure you are connected and try again.
You can report any other problems to Safeworlds, Inc. [link to Bug Report].

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AltME is a trademark of SafeWorlds, Inc.

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